Best Ways to Scan and Digitize Old Photos

 It is easy to backup your old photos by turning them into digital ones with the help of various methods. Now the question arrives how to digitize photos? While reading this blog, you will get a perfect answer to this question. 


It's not as simple as just putting your photos in a box or photo album. You may be interested in converting your old photos to digital copies, even if you are passionate about film photography or have physical memories.

  • It is easy to cause damage to physical photos. You can endanger your photos collection by causing water damage, discolouration or accidental tears. Digital copies allow you to create as many backups of your photos as possible. You don't have to worry about your entire family's history being lost in case of a fire or flood.

  • You may not realize how much space you can use for photo albums, frames, or storage boxes. You can also store thousands of digital copies on one external hard drive, about the same size as a deck of playing cards.

  • Photos of family members are meant to be shared. Digitalizing photos means that everyone in the family can access their most treasured childhood memories. All family members can access the entire collection.

Digital photos can be used to correct any blemishes, adjust the lighting or white balance, and crop out ex-boyfriends and girlfriends. These adjustments are not possible with physical photos. Each shot should look great.


Here are some strategies to scan old photos to digital

These principles will make it easy to learn how to digitize photos from the past.

  • Keep organized. Do you plan to organize your photos? Or in order of their importance? Do you want to save them to your computer? You might consider creating a system to organize and name files to make it easy to find the photos you want. It may be worth considering strategies to keep track of each subject in each photo.

  • Selective. Consider how many photos are on your phone and which ones you want to delete. It doesn't make sense to save all your old photos. You should only scan the photos that you are most concerned with. Also, if you have blur images, then there are ways how to unblur an image and make it as per your requirement.   

  • Pay attention. You don't want to have to scan photo prints multiple times. Use a non-abrasive towel to remove dust from old photos and your scanner. This will ensure that your image is clear and free from dust particles. You should check your scans every hour to ensure they are being saved and scanning properly.

  • Make sure you are setting the right settings. Every scan is not the same. If you plan to enlarge any photos, it is good to scan photos from printed photos at 300 dpi. You can edit digital photos in colour, even if you are scanning black-and-white or sepia images.

  • Be prepared. These photos will likely last more than an hour. You might consider turning on a TV to watch your favourite music or gather friends for a photo-scanning event. What better way to make memories than by digging through your treasure trove of memories?



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